About me

My purpose in life is:

I want everyone to have the opportunity to learn from the mistakes i have either made myself or have seen others make around me. Sharing the knowledge and mindset you have to learn to use in life to be successful. Have the reputation that you always wanted. Live a fulfilled life and have no regrets. Help people find their purpose in life without having to go through struggles to get there. Along with helping people i care about avoid stress and avoid the suffering that could result from something that could have been avoided. All in the hopes of finding your niche in how you can contribute back to others in thanks for all you have been given.

My background and Advice

I have a Bachelors in Chemistry, minor in biology and entrepreneurship. I’m working on my MBA and after multiple experiences in the working world, Eagle Scout, introspective thinker, working in the finance industry.

I went from being an introvert and being afraid to start conversation to going out of my way to start a conversation. I still dont want to be the center or attention, but one on one is enjoyable. I recommend getting a job in sales and force yourself to do things that are uncomfortable and you will thank yourself later. Find a way to gain confidence in yourself, keep an open mind and always be learning new things. Knowledge is power and being informed allows you to change your perspective. Being open minded is the most important trait you can have and will benefit you in the long term.

Work on doing things with the intent of delayed gratification. Immediate satisfaction keeps you stuck in your present position for the rest of your life. Do things that you know will lead to better outcomes in the future.

Never do things you might be embarrassed of, if you don’t want to tell people about it, then maybe don’t do it. Find ways to be proud of yourself and find a way to be extraordinary because nobody will remember you for just being normal.

Always Learning

You learn to take the opportunities you are given and take time to learn something new. Not letting time go to waste. I spent the last year jumping jobs, learning what I liked and what I didn’t. Learned that the financial industry is not a career path for me, but I learned a lot. Studied and passes the Securities Industry Essentials exam. I learned a lot and put together a document to share everything i learned. I also learned that direct sales, is not a career for me, but it taught me to be less introverted. I understand how important it is to learn, and there isn’t enough time in life to learn everything, i don’t listen to music much anymore, and replaced that time with audiobooks, interviews, and podcasts. Learning is the most fun thing you can spend your time doing, there will never be able to learn everything about one topic, but you can go down some interesting rabbit holes.

I learned how difficult it is to be a jack of all trades, even though you may feel you can do it. The people around you will go around your wisdom to find an expert in the field. I learned it is important to slightly limit yourself and master the topics you enjoy and be useful to those around you. Never be afraid to show your wisdom and share what you learned so we can all make the right decisions.

After all the research and learning I’ve done, along with all the documents I’ve put together. I want to focus my efforts on Real Estate, and dentistry.

I will continue to research marketing and advertising. Along with whatever random topic interest me, but I understand where i need to focus my efforts.

I’ve learned if i don’t know what questions to ask, I’ll never learn. Of all the efforts I’ve spent on books I’ve wrote, i don’t know what other questions to ask. Especially since I want to dig into rabbit holes that aren’t completely researched yet, and there isn’t enough information out there to know everything.